Tiramisu Da’Costa Family
Tiramisu Da’Costa Family

Tiramisu Da’Costa Family

Many who have been following our Tiramisù journey know that we once lived in Rome, Italy. During the first COVID-19 lock-down in 2020, myself and my husband Alex felt that something was missing…some ‘ITALIANO’ sweetness in your life! We chose to deliver the best of our Italian desserts, and call it- Tiramisù Da’Costa Family. Firstly we sold tiramisù to our neighbours, in lots of different flavours such as classic, pistachio, marsala, and strawberry. This was a big hit!

Then this enticed us to open our business and expand on our offerings, we now sell limoncello and chococco flavours too. Our small family-run business started to grow very quickly so in 2022, we registered the business name and opened our premises in Johnstown Business Park. We feel like this has brought our hometown of Rome, to Waterford.

Pasta & Paninis

In the Restaurant, we added fresh pasta and paninis to the menu. Now, we serve authentic starters, mains, and desserts as well as local Roman Wine. Our coffee beans are supplied by a local Irish brand Trá Coffee, from Tramore.

In Italy, tiramisù is the most popular and famous dessert of them all, and you can have it in a lot of different flavours, shapes, or recipes. When we moved to Waterford, we never thought that we were going to start a business selling tiramisù! We’d heard a lot of good things about Ireland, the places, the people, and the culture. Now when we go to markets around Ireland, we are thrilled that Irish people love our products and are very supportive. The name ‘Da’Costa Family’ comes from my husband’s and son’s last names, which is Constantinescu. Our son, James, was born here and is now 6 years old.

In Italy, tiramisù is the most popular and famous dessert of them all, and you can have it in a lot of different flavours, shapes, or recipes”.

What we love about having our own business is the freedom of being able to choose what to do ourselves, and of creating a peaceful and calm environment for our staff. Why? You may ask! Because before we were business entrepreneurs, we were employees, and I believe that many business owners should treat their staff humanely. We love what we do and try to give smiles and beautiful moments for our customers to remember. There is a saying that we go by: “don’t open a business if you don’t know how to smile”.

There’s a saying that we go by: “don’t open a business if you don’t know how to smile”!

Interior of Osteria with pasta dish & wine
Interior of Osteria & Café

Risky Reality

The downside of having a business is that you will never know how it will end or develop if you don’t take risks.

Taking risks terrifies you because you never know how much profit you have. Recently, everything has increased and we try as much as we can to support small businesses like ourselves in order to be able to prosper and continue to build our dream. We’re also well aware that many businesses have had to close due to the VAT change. It is a great disappointment because behind any type of business there’s a lot of sacrifice, tears, pain but not only that, they are also families trying to move forward.

Everything we use is locally produced & fresh”.

A typical working day begins at 6.30am we open the shutter of our restaurant and are thankful for the opportunity to produce and create what we love, from tiramisu to pasta. Then our employees arrive and I always emphasis to them that this place must be treated with love. We do some general cleaning, we check what supplies are missing and at around 12.30pm, we start lunch which is a great success! On weekends, from Thursday/Friday & Saturday we do lunch and dinner, plus, everything we use is locally produced and fresh.

Bowl of Pasta in Osteria
Pasta Main Course

What carries us forward are our families, they have been a great support during many periods where we don’t deny we wanted to give up but thanks to them we have carried on. Another good reason is obviously our son who gives us the desire to teach him the value of tradition.

What carries us forward are our families, they have been a great support.

Initially we were not lucky enough to receive any support because our product was declared too expensive and could not be good, but after years thanks to perseverance we were lucky enough to enter Ardkeen Food Store where the manager and the owners were fantastic to believe in our product, and from there we started a new experience. but we have to be honest it was a great challenge, and it still is.

Obviously, our vision is that our business will be an artisanal chain known for the true essence of ROMAN flavours all around Ireland. “COME A ROMA”- Like in Rome!

Time Saving Tips

Be prepared! Plan in advance and organise everything before every service.

Even though we’re old-fashioned, I think social media works really well nowadays to promote a business, by making videos of the restaurant and many other things.

We engage with our customers via Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram all the social channels. Our favourite channel is Instagram because there are many ways that you can spread your passion about your business.

A dish of Italian tiramisu dessert
Classic Italian Tiramisu

Tiramisu Empire

Success doesn’t come by luck, accident, or ease. It costs us something. My husband & I have shift responsibilities depending on the different seasons of our business. Unavoidable sleepless nights should be followed by some proper form of recuperation. So if one of us is feeling stressed or pressured I always open-up to someone for help. You cannot be your most effective self if you’re not looking after YOURSELF (mind, body, soul) and your family.

Rome wasn’t built in a day” and neither is a Tiramisù empire but we are building every day to achieve our goal and bring the best Tiramisù to you”.

‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’! And neither is a Tiramisù empire! But we are building every day to achieve our goal and bring the best Tiramisù to you. It is actually possible to make a career out of something you love”!

Advice we’ll give to any new business owners is- TO BELIEVE and TO NEVER GIVE UP because there will be days where people may think you are crazy for creating something different and that’s where you have to push harder.




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